The rise and demise of the Segway & the Phoenix

The rise.

The Segway was an American invention by the genius inventor, Dean Kamen. The idea was born 1991 from the research into a “self-balancing” wheelchair. This was the original “ibot”, a wheelchair that could raise the user to a standing position and climb stairs. Kamen’s engineering team realised that the self-balancing gyroscopes inside the wheelchair could be adapted for fun. Now this was a revolution in the terms of personal transportation, so the Segway was born.

This great invention should have revolutionized transport, this was a technological break through at the turn of the millennium and should have sold thousands in the first year. Plans were set to produce 100,000 in the first year, but this never materialised due to poor marketing and the cost of the PT at that time of $8,000. This coupled with legal restrictions in many countries around the world was the beginning of the demise of the Segway, so Kamen sold the company in 2009 to British entrepreneur James Heselden on Christmas day 2009.

The demise

Unfortunately, James Heselden died aged 62 just nine months after the acquisition of Segway in a tragic accident while riding one of his machines. The inquest reported that Heselden was riding his Segway and walking his dog on the Boston Spa, West Yorkshire when he reversed his machine back to let another dog walker pass, he fell over the cliff 42 foot to his death. Sadly, an act of courtesy that cost him his life.

Sale to China

After this tragic event the UK company sold the rights and design to a US company whom also had issues with the legality of the machines on Highways in the USA, coupled with high pricing this too failed and was then sold to Ninebot Inc a Chinese company in 2015 we understand for $75m.

The Phoenix

Over the last 7 years styles and technology has dramatically changed the Segway. These are now a robust machine including the Off Road Segway complete with a Bluetooth App. The App can now self-balance the machine, change speed and restrict speed for the novice to prevent accidents, and even climb steps without the person being on the machine. There is now a strong demand for these in the commercial sector worldwide for “segway tours” and events.

Our next Blog, ibot transformed to the Segway.

One Response

  1. These are fascinating machines – that still serve a useful purpose today. They have evolved into a practical means of mobility for many. And what is truly remarkable is the new off-road Segway which can bring hours of outdoor fun for all the family. As a promoter of safer cycling & safer transport – we are pretty impressed to hear that they can be speed restricted via Bluetooth app and we can’t wait to try one when the weather improves.

    Anyone interested in cycling/segway safety please check out our youtube channel and see some off-road routes for all the family to enjoy with more being added soon. youtube @safercyclinguk

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